Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Top 10 Movies

This was put on me today, What are the Top 10 Movies of All Time?. That's a might big question because it can be debated endlessly. So what I thought I would do is list my personal favorite movies of all time. They are not the best of all time, well, maybe a couple of them are, but there are my favs. So here we go in no particular order.....

My Top 10 Favorite Movies of All Time:

Pulp Fiction--This is the film that made a John Travolta fan of me. Before this, I really had no opinion of him, but along came Pulp Fiction and BAM! It was also the first Tarantino movie I had watched and said to myself "I gotta see more of this guy's stuff!"

Lord of the Rings Trilogy--When I was watching these movies, it looked just like I had imagined when reading the books. Tolkien created an entire world that seems like it could go on forever.

The Big Lebowski--John Goodman is a God among actors. The Coen brothers finest piece of work. And wouldn't we all like to hang out with The Dude!

The Godfather--This may be the greatest series of movies ever made.

A Christmas Story--The legendary story of Ralphie and his need for a Red Ryder BB Gun. This movie was just plain fun and is still a Christmas tradition.

Donnie Brasco--Al Pacino pulls off an incredible feat by actually making you feel sympathy for a bad guy mob hitman and Johnny Depp in my personal favorite role of his.

Austin Powers--Another great trilogy. I have seen each movie so many times and can quote most of the lines.

Saving Private Ryan--This movie had such a realistic feal to it and the story telling was incredible.

Boogie Nights--"How much ya squat?" With that line from Reed Rothchild, I was hooked. The rise and fall of a porn star made for compelling viewing and the cast was full of all-stars.

All the rest are tied. I mean really, I don't think I have ever watched a truly awful movie.

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