Tuesday, October 9, 2007

What makes a blog?

Really? What do people want to see when they visit a blog? Do people want a lot of bells and whistles, or do they want something simple to read? How about a combination of both?

We all know what we want our blogs to be, but, if it doesn't appeal to the masses, will anybody come around for a second visit? For me personally, I find that I re-visit blogs that are updated on a fairly regular basis. And I like to see unique gadgets and things up and down the sidebar as well. One without the other doesn't really hold my attention. But the real meat and potatoes of it all is, are you entertained by what you are reading?

In the past, I have found that I write new entries for a blog almost everyday, and find out that I've had like 3 visitors all week! That gets pretty discouraging after a while and I'v just given up. But this time I have decided that since I have several friends who enjoy hearing my take on a variety of subjects, I am going to just keep on keeping on and update my blog everyday. And....I'm willing to make a deal with you. If you visit my blog, I'll visit yours. If you link to my blog, I'll link to yours. If you leave me a comment, I'll leave you one as well. I'm hoping that I can actually reach out and speak to more than just my friends this way.

And since I just mentioned it, please leave me some comments and let me know what YOU like to see when you visit a new blog, what keeps bringing you back, and where in the world is Carmen San Diego?

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